Saturday, September 12, 2015

Going back at it

Hello there people of the interweb!

A lifetime ago, I started a blog called Confessions of a Food-a-holic Fat Girl. It cataloged some of my misadventures in my daily cooking life when I was living in Colorado with a lot of time to bake and cook. Then, as life, as it often does, spun out of control, I no longer had time write and update my blog. As life slowly inched forward, I'd still cook, experiment, and all that fun stuff.

Through the few years between my last post and now, I've learned a lot about food and cooking...and about life too. But that goes without saying. My love of food and cooking hadn't fade. On the contrary, I think it's a lot stronger now. My passion of learning new cooking techniques, melding and meshing of flavors and types of cuisine, and oh so much more, had risen with a new vigor. Thus, I would like to revive my blog, and, again, try to catalogue my cooking misadventures. I say misadventures, because, more often than not, it never turns out the way my mind had pictured it.

If you're wondering, I was a graphic designer in another lifetime but now a teacher to be; I'm a traveler at heart; and even if I manage to be skinny again, I'm a fat girl who loves food way too much. Strangely enough, I like to cook a lot more than I love to eat, and, believe me, I love to eat.

Showing off, I guess, is what the internet is all about. So, I guess, now, it is my showing off section.

Please be kind. Happy cooking!

  • Cupcake with Lemon Cream Cheese Frosting

    Spinach and Basil Pesto

  • Spinach and Basil Pesto

    Chopped Habenero Peppers

  • Chopped Habenero Peppers

    Spiced Pumpkin Cupcakes

  • Spiced Pumpkin Cupcakes

    Eggplant and Tomatoes Vegan Sandwich with a Hummus Spread

  • Eggplant and Tomatoes Vegan Sandwich
